Giordano Challenge: 7 days of Giordano (Day 1)

Giordano gave me a few clothes to wear for this 7 days of Giordano challenge. They challenged me to incorporate their clothes into my style. And who am I to back down from fashion challenges?

So here is what I wore for Day 1: Colour Blocking. Loud and proud colour combinations for a bright summery look! I decided to start Day 1 by wearing all Giordano items. I say start the challenge right, yes? You don't usually see me wearing sneakers but I think this pair compliments the colours of my outfit perfectly. And since I spent a number of hours in our warehouse choosing items to release for our upcoming sale event, I need to be in comfortable shoes.

cobalt Lion Polo: Giordano
orange canvas belt: Giordano
green cotton shorts: Giordano
sneakers: Converse

10 said something:

  1. i love this lloyda! sooo color-blocking ang tema! :D

  2. I love the shorts and belt! Great color combi! =)

  3. I LOVE THE BELT! ^^ I need to get one for myself as in NOW! ^^
    Great outfit Lloyda, ^^

  4. cute, as always, Lloyda! i'm not a fan of the color green, but those green shorts w/ that orange belt together looks great!

    boat ride through the sky

  5. Very youthful, Lloyda! Your sense of style is ALWAYS inspiring :) Parang mag-'ATE' lang kayo ni Eli if you carry him around wearing this :)

  6. green and blue! cute color combo :D

  7. I absolutely love the shoes and the cotton shorts! ^^

  8. love this look!! something I could definitely wear on casual days :)

  9. You look super cute! :) I want those shorts!

    Join my giveaway! :)



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