7 days of Giordano (Day 7): nautical & a CONTEST

Last day of my Giordano fashion challenge. I did enjoy thinking of outfits to go with my Giordano items. How true that great basics are must have in every fashionista's closet!

off white jacket: Forever 21
white tank: Giordano
nautical wide leg trousers: Giordano Ladies
tan platforms: Jessica Simpson "Dany"

To end this 7 days challenge, Giordano & Fashionista Fortune Cookie will be giving away Lion Polos to 3 lucky winners!!!
All you need to do is:
  1. LIKE Giordano (http://www.facebook.com/GiordanoPhilippines) & Fashionista Fortune Cookie (http://www.facebook.com/FashionistaFortuneCookie) on Facebook
  2. Follow my blog thru Google Friend connect or Blog Lovin'
  3. Follow Giordano (http://twitter.com/giordanophil) & Fashionista Fortune Cookie (http://twitter.com/sweetcandylove) on Twitter and tweet this line:
  4. I want to win a LION POLO from @giordanophil. Join @sweetcandylove give away! http://t.co/vBoJs4J
  5. Don't forget to leave a comment on this post with your name, Facebook name, twitter username & email. 
  6. Contest will run until 20 April 2011. Winners will be chosen randomly.
  7. Help spread the word!

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