Grand Baby Company Fair!!!

I love being a mum and of course I love shopping for my little boy. Baby Company is having a grand fair starting today until Sunday. Enjoy discounts up to 70% off! So go go go!

How cool that they have water stations scattered around the fair?!?

Quinny & Maclaren baby strollers on sale! 20% off!

We want this one! Been eyeing this stroller for a long time. To buy or not to buy...

The SAYA baby sling can be found at INDIGO (booth 61)
I have a saya sling and I love it!

This one caught my eye. Reusable diapers! 
Saving Mother Earth one diaper at a time. :)

They have a lot of colours to choose from.

The busiest booth at the fair! 

What are they selling? Cute printed mats! 

I'm a cordlife mummy. 

 Eli have this baby seat from Uratex. 

So what are you waiting for?
Head to the Grand Baby Company Fair at the SM Megatrade Halls 2 and 3 now.

A huge THANKS to Jane for inviting me to the fair!

3 said something:

  1. Athan has a seat like that too from Bumbo!:) they're so comfy! does eli love it too??:D

  2. you are such a fashionista mommy! =) love your top! =)

  3. hi.. i saw the play mat that was offered last january 28-30. But when i got there, it was already out of stock. I was just wondering if you have any idea, where can i buy it now? Is it available in any department stores?

    you can pm me at my facebook acount
    .. thanks :)



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