it's a wedding thing

A friend of my dear bf or should I say fiance got married today. I look forward to attending weddings. Perfect reason to dress up and it's such a no brainer mostly 'coz all you need is a nice dress (or a cute blouse & skirt combo), a pair of strappy sandals, a shawl (for those cold reception venues) and a bag! Viola! You're good to go! Hehehe. You can either go long or short with your dresses. I go for short dresses most of the time. The only thing is you must really wish that you won't bump into another guest wearing the same dress as you (if your dress is straight of the rack from the local mall). Hehehe.

What I wore to the wedding:Lavender dress, Mango bag, silver sandals

1 said something:

  1. i really really like your bag. and ooh love love. they're so much fun!!! =D



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