Carrie On

I know I haven't updated my blog for a week. Heh! Well you see I last week I was in house arrest. I was in a panic coz my milk supply suddenly decrease. I have to stay home to be able to feed Eli or else he doesn't have milk! And we can't let that happen coz we wouldn't want him to lose his cute langgonisa arms and be skinny, right?!?

Ah! I miss dressing up. I was in jammies the whole week last week. Of course since I'm just at home might as well wear comfy jammies and house dress (a.k.a. duster) right? What do you guys wear when you're just lounging in your home?

I know I may be a little late with this sheer skirt trend. I bought a sheer white maxi from ukay a couple months back but I can't seem to find it in my closet. Argh! So sad. That's what you get when you have a small over flowing closet. Clothes go in but seems to get lost in there somewhere. Oh well... 

I love my Gold Dot booties they are super awesome! Go check how awesome they are! I love the cut out detail of the heel.

Hahahaha. Check out that Chok face! O_o Funny thing that Chok word. It'a a Hong Kong slang I picked up in Instagram. All the Hongkies there kept tagging their photos with #chok and I got curious with what it meant. There's no definite meaning but I think the best example would be Zoolander! Hehehe.

black bowler hat: H&M
outer loose tank: Topshop
inner tank: SM
black sheer maxi skirt: ukayista
wedge booties: Gold Dot "Carrie Boots"

18 said something:

  1. thanks KD! ah yes!!! Gold Dot's shoes are amazing!!!

  2. thank you. the watch is Marc by Marc Jacobs. :)

  3. nice boots and maxi lloyda! btw, you have cute watch too.. what's the brand?

  4. yup, it's so frustrating when clothes get lost in your closet.

    thank you! i think the necklace is from greece if i remember correctly. it's a gift from my parents when they went there last year. hehehe.

  5. thanks! :) gold dot's shoes are love!

  6. Ugh...I hate it when stuff gets lost in my closet too :( I lost my black maxi skirt just recently too...and AW is coming soon. This is a great look. I love the necklace! Where is it from? :)

  7. I love this look and the photos too, lloyda! Wish I could get those Gold Dot wedges :(

  8. I am planning to breastfeed Eli as long as I could. :)

  9. SimonesfashionclosetAugust 22, 2011 at 10:05 PM

    AWW that's the most wonderful gift a mother can give to her child, to breastfeed until there's milk. Breast milk is still best for babies. That's what I did with my baby 2 years ago, Lloyda. :) lovin' the sheer maxi skirt on you! :)

  10. I saw a more clear definition for "chok" Hahahaha. Here:



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