what's tan, red & blue with lloyda all over?

Why the outfit for today of course!

Decided to pair my red dress with my blue Rootote Attache CDG bag. Don't you just love how complementary colours just go so well together?

red dress: gift from my mum
tan oxfords: Forever21
blue tote: Rootote

Speaking of Rootote. They are having an online clearance sale! Imagine getting these really great bags as low as P450! And my fave Roo-Shopper bags are now only P650! And if you want to win a bag just like mine you can join their promo with HeyWhereYou.com! For more details please check their Facebook page.

Do check them out at: http://roototephilippines.multiply.com
and like their Facebook page at: http://facebook.com/RoototePhilippines

10 said something:

  1. the look's soo adorable! love the dress :)

  2. you look so cute, lloyda! love the brogues! and what a fun bag!

  3. Grabe lloyda! Super payat mo na! ;)

    Melai of Style and Soul

  4. hi Lloyda! thanks for dropping by my blog and my clothing site :) that outfit is so cute! you're right, it's great how the colors compliment each other so well.. and that red dress.. love it! (reds my fave color, hehe)

  5. thanks for the heads-up on the rootote sale. i've had my eyes set on a rootote bag for the longest time but couldn't get myself to purchase one at regular price. :p great blog, by the way. i love your brogues/oxfords/jazz shoes. so many nice pairs to look at!

  6. im loving the belt and the dress! :D

  7. too adorable!!! i love the red and brown together!! :D

    Animated Confessions



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