sale sale sale away!

Don't you just adore sale season? I do, I do, I do! But I really haven't bought much this season. You guys know the reason why. It's hard to shop and fit clothes when you have a huge tummy and when almost all of them won't fit you (mostly bottoms though). You'll just end up depressed! That's what I feel most of the time. Hahaha. One thing for sure though! Being pregnant is a super great exercise that will make you more creative on how to wear your clothes without looking like Mrs. Frumpy!

Zara olive green boyfriend blazer
vintage floral dress
purple floral lace dress (under)
Giordano brown leather belt
Ichigo "Kenny" spectator oxfords

Have you guys heard about Payless opening in Festival Mall next week? Those shoe-aholic living in the South rejoice!!! Oh how I wanna go and check out their collection. I super love their Alice + Olivia for Payless shoes. But their first store is just too far! Hahaha. Yeah, I'm obviously from the North and going to Alabang is always like a field trip for me. But from what I heard they'll be opening shops in Mega Mall, Robinson's Galleria, Greenhills, Shangri-La, Power Plant, & Market Market plus some other mall I can't remember. So yeah, us North people don't need to be sad and just wait for them to open a store near us.

9 said something:

  1. oooh, i love the army green blazer. haven't been to the sales, yet. waaah. but i was finally able to go to Forever 21! so yay!

  2. for payless, where in rockwell? arent all stalls there occupied? yey if they do open in rockwell! or anywhere in makati! its so sad that their first store will be soooo far :(

  3. You and your little one look adorable in that number!

    let's just wait till payless puts up their store over the ortigas from the North, too :D

  4. i was just in and i saw the payless album!!! shocks.. it's really happening for the retail world out there back home!!! aaahh!!! it's even so much better than what we have here!

    Animated Confessions

  5. You are an adorable mum and you dress so lovely while pregnant. I had my baby 6 months ago and the only thing I wore during my pregnancy were my pregnancy jeans.

  6. You're actually doing a great job with your outfits. Super creative! Kaya during my 1st comment i thought u weren't preggy at all. Haha.

  7. i love the military jacket and the floral dress! you are so cute and adorable in this dear!

    cant wait for PAYLESS to open in makati! wooohooo!


  8. You look fantastically blooming
    I love the blazer!

  9. Oh the Kennys! I texted Ichigo, the Kennys are sold out in size 8 EVERYWHERE. I'm so sad. :( Sana gawa pa sila soon!



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