obsession: connector rings

So I went to Forever21 awhile ago to check out their new stocks and man are there still a lot of people shopping. They got new shoes. I love them but I've decided not to get any and headed straight to the rings located at the cash wrap counters. I just got these 3 connector rings. I wanted to get the rhinestone stud gold connector ring also but they only have the biggest size left. So that's a no go for me.

What I got:

Glistening Cross Connector

Oh, I got this cute faux leather cuff as a gift from Ash of Shoparazzi. Thanks dear. :)

10 said something:

  1. Cute rings, i really wanted those when I visit F21 yesterday, but it just dont suit me. I'm sure it looks good on you! ((:

  2. aahh yes!!! connector rings has been my obsession too!!! :D

    Animated Confessions

  3. i love the rings babe! didnt get a chance to go there pa =(

  4. love the rings! i tried on the 2nd one when I went there last Monday but it's too flashy for me. hehe. Love them though! :)

  5. i saw these at f21 today! i loooove connector rings! theres a cool store in rockwell bazaars selling super funky ones babe!

  6. i loooooooove them! im actually going to f21 tomorrow just for them HAHA

  7. I actually wanted to go to F21 just to pick up some rings but the sales lady told me I would have to line up with everyone buying stuff just to LOOK at them.

    I was hoping it would be less crowded after the weekend but sounds like I'm wrong. Oh, well. Double finger rings are bad ass!

    B from A plus B

  8. I'm starting to develop an obsession to rings, in general. Haha and I love connector rings! They look so tough! <3 Oh, and I have the cross connector too. :)

    <3 Christine

  9. i ordered that cross ring (with pearl) online way before the flagship store opened here. my gwad, how was the line in F21? im planning to drop by there tomorrow.



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