casual casuality

I am super envious of people who have such great photos in their blogs. I wish I can take photos with natural light, some great bokeh and lush green garden forest-y backgrounds. But no. I can only rely on my trusty point & shoot self timer & blank wall background. Sigh. Such is life. I really think it's nicer to look at pretty pictures eh?

My outfit for today is nothing special. It got this somewhat sporty casual feel right? I decided to wear my wedge sneakers today. I've been looking for a pair since last year I think. I'm super happy that I finally got to buy a pair at last. They've been hibernating in my shoe closet so I decided to wear them out today since I won't be doing much walking anyways. (Less likely for me to trip & hurt myself!) Hehehe.

Zara button down tunic top
white maternity shorts
off white wedge sneakers

9 said something:

  1. i was never a fan of wedge sneakers, but you're pulling it off so well im thinking of getting one myself. hahaha!

    dont worry about the photo thingy, i rely on my timer and point and shoot only too!! :D

    Animated Confessions

  2. I still like what you're wearing. Love the wedge sneaks. I'm also looking for one :) On the other hand, I envy people with blank walls. I live in an apartment and every space is utilized so I don't have a wall to use as my background. The door is the next best thing. haha.

    You can play around with it. Since you have a white wall, you can photoshop and juxtapose different images with yah :)

    Melai :)

  3. but your pics are already amazing! for me, i wish i know how to do photoshop. hehe :)

    anyway, where did you get your wedge sneaks? those look awesome. comfy yet stylish. :)

  4. this outfit my be casual but you still look great! those wedge sneaks are so cool. haven't seen any of those around. :)

  5. see if your point & shoot self timer has got a small hole at the bottom where you can screw it in on a tripod. if yes, all you need is a light weight foldable tripod & you can trot it wherever you fancy to use as your backdrop. ^,^

  6. oh, i love those wedge sneakers!!! i wish i do have perfect photos for my blog too ala-theblondesalad or stylescrapbook with the eiffel tower as my background HAHA!!!

  7. I actually think the simplicity of your background compliments your outfits sometimes. I consistently see this Japanese influence in your outfit which is somewhat edgy but still minimalist. It's really interesting.

    Anyway it is definitely hard to shoot outside all the time. I really want to invest in a tripod because I can't have my brother /photographer at my beck and call all the time.

    B from A plus B

  8. Hi Lloyda! You look awesome as always! Can I have your e-mail add. I would love to interview you for my blog. Or e-mail me at ckawaiilover at gmail dot com please pretty please? Hahaha thank you!

  9. I agree. I already ranted about it in one of my chictopia post. It's unfair that some people have a forest in their backyard! I also only have my dull gray wall to rely on. Sigh. But you do look amazing girl!:)



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