outfit post

a lot of outfits. nothing to say.

Floral tunic, U pink shorts, black gladiator sandals

H&M polka dot jacket, green top, Giordano denim shorts, black boots

Watercolour print dress, Zara pink bag, green t-strap heels

Star print vest, white tee, F&H necklace, Uniqlo black skirt, F21 booties

Denim dress, Converse sneakers

5 said something:

  1. but you must tell us where that polka dot blazer is from! :)

  2. I love your last dress. Cute :)

  3. I love your black glads! I am on the lookout for more unique ones. :P

    And I commented sometime ago on your Burberry-lookalike studded shoes from cuteseyshoes.com... But I can't seem to find it on the site! :( Would you by any chance still have the link of the shoes? :)))



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