military & school girl plaid

Black long cardigan, white tee, Mango blue plaid skirt, black knee high socks, Zara grey lace-ups

I'm getting worried about my wedding gown designer. It's so hard to contact her and they told me that they'll email me the price quotation a couple of weeks ago and yet I still do not have it. I called today and they told me that they'll email it today. Hopefully, I'll get it. True that I haven't signed any contract yet but still... I really really do like her designs hopefully I'll get the quotes today. And I must set a scedule with her soon so I can finalize everything. Oh, I think I also need to start calling up potential wedding planners.

9 said something:

  1. My Mom is the exact same way. She likes white rice with every single meal, if she can have it. I can pass on rice but I love pasta wayyyy too much. lol. I don't know what it is.. I find myself hungry for it now, just talking about it. hahha.

    Cute skirt!

    xo/ fashion chalet

  2. You look so cute...reminding me of those Japanese schoolgirls! heehee... I love your skirt!

  3. show me more of that cool military jacket. yay for you =)

  4. Very japanese school girl! Love it!

  5. the jacket is way cool. all the best with your wedding plan! one of my ambitions was to be a wedding planner lol.

  6. The entire outfit is so well put together! I really like the knee socks, shoes & skirt!

  7. yummmyyy!! :)
    im gonna raid ur closet :) or adopt me ur baby sister! :)

    ps. goodluck with ur wedding plans, hope u wont be bridezilla soon :)

  8. I just read your comment on adding me up.. thanks Lloyda!! I added you up too!!

    Where are you?? We miss your posts!!!

  9. You remind me of Kill Bill's Gogo Yubari here. Eyelavet! :)



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