weekend outfits + new a hairdo

Something really casual for a Saturday. The fiance & I went to pay the 50% down payment for our wedding reception venue. After that we just went around the mall to get me a new mobile because my old one is really dying on me. Good thing my mum gave me money. I bought a Nokia 2630. I was looking for a pink coloured one but almost all are either out of stock or way beyond my budget. :S
Giordano Concepts black tee, Giordano shorts, brown fringe sandals, Gucci brown bag

We had a hairdresser come to the house today for a house call. I had my fringe trimmed into a full one. I’ve been missing my old full bangs. :) So there you go a new haircut for myself. What do you think of it? It's somewhat my last haircut because i need to have my hair long for my wedding next year.

I went to watch a play (Mulan) with my sister. It’s for charity. I guess in some ways it’s something I can give back to the society in my little way.

I’m wearing my new harem/sarouel pants from Zara and the fierce Carrie's Dior knock offs from ebay.
White tee, Zara harem pants, Gucci bag, Urban Original black sandals

7 said something:

  1. again. i loooove the shoes!!!

    so that's a sarouel pants...it looks great on you. :) don't think i will ever get a chance to wear that one though especially with my body. hehe

  2. you look so cute with your new bangs!! :D and those fringe sandals...hmmm...YUM!

  3. i have always wanted that Gucci Pelham!! :) but i can't afford it!! eeeks! :)

    i can see that u got urself some nice trousers already :) and u girl - are so lucky to get some those awesome shoes (from china?) i wish my shoe size was smaller! :)

    have a good day! i think the fringe is cute.. and we don't have hairdressers coming at our place, must be a relief!! *envy* :)

  4. Awesome outfits! I love your shoes and that Gucci bag.

  5. Aw, thanks for that comment, you are so sweet!! :)

    I love both of your shoes, by the way. Just perfect! <3

  6. Love your blog! How much were the pants?



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