what i wore yesterday

The mothership decided to go shopping yesterday and I went with her. I got 2 pairs of shoes and a couple of clothes from Zara. I really love shopping with my mum. Shopping with mum = free clothes!
Black polkadot dress, Forever 21 black canvas platform oxfords, Giordano black bag

7 said something:

  1. Shopping with your mom is great. I remember when I used to do that (now I do it with my daughter). Just this Xmas, my mother took me to Benetton and got me a fantastic brown leather jacket. So swanky and expensive. I never would have bought it for myself! K

  2. I miss being at home and shopping with my mom. I guess when I go home for summer, we can have some bonding time. I love your style, by the way!

  3. My mom doesn't buy me stuff all the time but most of the time so I like going shopping with her.

  4. sad, my mom stop buying me stuff since i work and have my own salary:D

  5. k: i could never buy anything expensive for myself too. thank god for mummies who buys those for us! :)

    kristine: thank you. yeah shopping dates with our mothers are a perfect way to bond with them.

    anonymous: so when are YOU going to take me shopping???

    wendy: yeah my mum don't take me shopping all the time so whenever she asks if i wanna go with her i jump on the chance to go with her.

    helvetica: my mum son't take me out shopping as much as before coz i do have my own salary but i ask her to buy me those expensive stuff i don't want to buy myself. hahaha.

    zoë: thanks! :)



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