happy earth day!

Happy earth day! So what did you do to help out mother earth today? I'm afraid I did nothing much. Just remembered to turn the tap off whilst brushing my teeth. Hahaha. I guess that's something right?

Here's my take on the motorcycle jacket & military trend. I'm afraid I still haven't got to buy a leather motorcycle jacket. I don't think I'll ever buy one because 1. it's too damn hot to be wearing leather in my country and 2. leather goods are expensive!!! Hehehe. So I'm okay with my jersey motorcycle vest. I got it for only Php250! On sale! Well, I got a grey nylon motorcycle jacket from H&M but I can't seem to find it. Sheesh! I really do need to clean my room. I reckon I'll find quite a lot of my missing stuff. Speaking of finding stuff. The combat skirt I found in my closet. So yeah.

Sleeveless black cropped motorcycle jacket, printed tee, Topshop khaki mini skirt, Soda black moccasin loafers, Giordano black bag

frame from: vivianefreebies

7 said something:

  1. Love that skirt it so spesh. Lucky you to have such a cute jacket ^_^

  2. same here! i have stuff in my closet i'm surprised to see when i dig deeper...;P that's such a cute trend, i too have been wanting to do a take on motorcycle jackets, i have two (not really leather, just trendy motorcycle jackets), but i haven't come around to wearing it because of the weather..=( i love your take on it! it's summer and yet you managed to pull it off! it's cute with the skirt!=>

  3. Fashion-Disciple: thanks! :) yeah i'm quite happy to find that jacket.

    mej: thanks! gosh i know what you mean about the weather. you can't stay outside for like more than 5 mins or else you'll melt from the heat!



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