grocery shopping

My sister and I were craving for some cookie dough ice cream for weeks now. We managed to drag the parentals to go grocery shopping with us. Hahaha. Ended up getting 3 pints of ice cream (I know! My diet's going to be put off for another month or so.) and loads of junk food. Sheesh... I really have no control when I go to the supermarket. There are tons of food stuff that I just want to try!
Uniqlo linen blend top, Mng denim shorts, Giordano bag, Penny ♥ Kenny tan moccasin booties

5 said something:

  1. love your shoes! you have so many nice shoes..:)

  2. Oh man, perfection! I want those moccasin booties.

  3. helvetica: thank you! hehehe. i love shoes. i want more actually. :)

    Wendy: thanks! i got them on sale too! quite happy! :)

  4. I hope you're kidding about the diet - You look gorgeous! And I love the bag! (AND the knit AND the shorts AND the booties!)

  5. Lizziethegreat: thank you. :) hahaha... i'm always on a diet even though i don't follow it. i love to eat! i really do.



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